Protecting our communities from the threat of terrorism is of the utmost importance to the Government of Canada. The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness is the lead Minister for overall counter-terrorism planning, preparedness and response within the Government of Canada, and for national leadership and coordination on matters relevant to national security.
Counter-terrorism Strategy
Building Resilience Against Terrorism, Canada's first Counter-terrorism Strategy, was released in 2012. It explains our national approach to countering terrorism. This comprehensive Strategy guides more than 20 federal departments and agencies to better align them to “prevent, detect, deny and respond” to terrorist threats. The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, in consultation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, is responsible for the Strategy's implementation.
Public Reports on the Terrorist Threat to Canada
The Government is committed to providing Canadians with an understanding of the current terrorist threats to Canada through public reports in as open and transparent a manner as possible.
Federal Terrorism Response Plan
The Federal Terrorism Response Plan (FTRP) strengthens coordination among security and intelligence departments and agencies and facilitates a collective response to a terrorist threat or incident occurring in Canada. It does so by defining the roles and responsibilities of those departments and agencies with a mandate to respond to a domestic terrorist incident, establishing information sharing processes, and outlining the linkages to the National Terrorism Threat level.
Mitigating the Threat Posed By Canadian Extremist Travellers
Learn how the Government of Canada is protecting the public against Canadian extremist travellers through a coordinated approach with partner departments and agencies.
Countering Radicalization to Violence
The Government of Canada is taking a whole of government approach to preventing radicalization to violence. The Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence (CCCEPV) provides leadership on Canada’s response to radicalization to violence by coordinating talent and expertise, mobilizing and supporting community outreach and enhancing research in the area.
Justice for Victims of Terrorism
The Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act – and related amendments to the State Immunity Act – allows victims of terrorism to sue perpetrators of terrorism and those that support them, including listed foreign states, for loss or damage that occurred as a result of an act of terrorism committed anywhere in the world.
Kanishka Project
The Kanishka Project provides research on terrorism-related issues affecting Canada, such as preventing and countering violent extremism.
Listed Terrorist Entities
Canada's Anti-terrorism Act enables the government to create a list of "entities" under the Criminal Code. This is a very public way to identify a group or individual as being associated with terrorism.
Learn about the tragic terrorist events that have claimed the innocent lives of Canadians, and see how we honour and remember them.
Passenger Protect Program
The Passenger Protect Program (PPP) prevents people who could be a threat to national security from boarding a plane. The Program currently works with air carriers to screen passengers travelling to, from and within Canada.
Security Certificates
The security certificate process within the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is not a criminal proceeding, but an immigration proceeding. The objective of the process is the removal from Canada of non-Canadians who have no legal right to be here and who pose a serious threat to Canada and Canadians.
Authorization regime and humanitarian exception for activities in terrorist group controlled areas
Learn about the Authorization Regime, a process to facilitate the delivery of needed activities in terrorist-controlled areas via authorizations granted by the Minister of Public Safety to shield such activities from criminal liability.
Counter-terrorism News Releases
Government of Canada lists the IRGC as a terrorist entity
June 19, 2024 -
Government of Canada announces funding to support practitioners for countering radicalization to violence
May 10, 2024 -
Ministers of Justice and Public Safety urge unity and respect in the face of calls for protests from a terrorist organization
October 12, 2023
Counter-terrorism - Publications and Reports
- 2024 Comprehensive Review Report of the Minister of Public Safety Concerning Criminal Code sections 83.031 to 83.0391 and their operation: A Regime to Authorize Certain Activities in a Geographic Area that is Controlled By a Terrorist Group
- 2023 Annual Report of the Minister of Public Safety Concerning Criminal Code sections 83.031 to 83.0391: A Regime to Authorize Certain Activities in a Geographic Area that is Controlled By a Terrorist Group
- Canada Centre 2023 Conference on Countering Radicalization to Violence: What to Measure, How to Prevent
- 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada
- National Strategy on Countering Radicalization to Violence
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